Thursday, September 30, 2010

Something to Hold You Over

I have been such an absentee blogger.  It really is pitiful.  Life has thrown us a couple of curve balls in recent months that led to some stress/upheaval/whatnot.  It also contributed to my lack of motivation to craft/blog/etc.

But, never fear!  It's not all bad, we did manage to get the baby's room painted (don't tell our landlord, kay?).  It's a lovely shade of lavender.  The room is still a work in progress but here is a sneak peek!

In other news, I actually look kind of pregnant!  Fancy that!  It only took me forever to start showing.  The other day I was at JC Penney buying a cute little baby outfit, and the cashier asked me who was having a baby.  Depressing.  But, it only gets better from here! 

Now, all I need is for someone to please send a memo to the State of Arizona and tell it that it is time to cool off!  Then maybe I will find my motivation and actually be able to get my craft on.  :)

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